Thursday, March 3, 2011

Project 3

In this song I used the automationclip and make the lead instrument fade in and out in a random pattern that I found to be pretty cool. I did'nt feel necesary to incorporate complicated drums, the simple drum patterns centwring around the bass drum and snare sounded good to me. I changed it up with more than one riff and drum pattern, and included a quick snare drum solo that led into the buildup. Towards the end I added random voices because I thought they sounded cool and funny and could actually work with the song, and as indicated I ended the song by fading it out.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see a blog post here. I can hear some automation in one of your synths. Drums are a little overpowering and sounds very mechanical. You may want to play with the velocity controls to make the drums sound more "human".
